Sleep Humans need vs Sleep Animals need

Sleep Humans need vs Sleep Animals need
Humans 7-9 hours ---Horse 3 hours ---Cow 4 hours ---Elephant 4 hours ---Giraffe 4.5 hours--- Rabbit 8 hours ---Guinea Pig 9.5 hours--- Baboon 9.5 hours ---Dophin 10 hours ---Dog 10 hours ---Cat 12.5 hours ---Hampster 14 hours ---Sloth 14.4 hours ---Bat 19 hours

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Preparing for a Sleep Study

I did my sleep study at Winmar Sleep Center. Their website has a good sleep questionaire that I did when I was first suspecting that I had sleep apnea. I scored horribly and knew it was time to get some help!! I was very nervous for my sleep study. For as tired and exhausted as I felt, I only slept about 2 hours! It was however, enough time for them to get good readings on me. I did have to go back for a second night to be fitted with a mask and the air pressure adjusted to my needs. The technician assured me that it was not unusall to have this happen since you are trying to sleep in an unusal place with wires stuck all over you!! You are also videoed to they can monitor your sleep positions, how many times you change position and also to monitor leg activity in-case restless leg syndrome may be an issue. After your sleep study, it if is discovered you are having apneic episodes, you doctor may choose to do prescribe several options: -CPAP (continous positive airway pressue) -Education on good sleep hygiene -Have you try to alter your sleep positions -Loose weight -Fix nasal congestion, possibly with surgery if needed -Encourage you to find daytime stimulation and not take naps to get on a good nighttime sleep cycle If your docotor prescribes a CPAP for you, you will take time with the sleep study staff to have a mask that is fitted to your physical needs. MANY INSURANCES ARE NOW RECOGNIZING THE IMPORTANCE OF GOOD SLEEP AND ARE COVERING COSTS OF SLEEP STUDIES AND CPAP MACHINES, PRIOR AUTHORIZATION IS OFTEN NEEDED AND USUALLY GRANTED!

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