Sleep Humans need vs Sleep Animals need

Sleep Humans need vs Sleep Animals need
Humans 7-9 hours ---Horse 3 hours ---Cow 4 hours ---Elephant 4 hours ---Giraffe 4.5 hours--- Rabbit 8 hours ---Guinea Pig 9.5 hours--- Baboon 9.5 hours ---Dophin 10 hours ---Dog 10 hours ---Cat 12.5 hours ---Hampster 14 hours ---Sloth 14.4 hours ---Bat 19 hours

Monday, December 1, 2008

Do you have a Sleep Disorder?

This blog will only get into the specifics of obstructive sleep apnea. However, you may not be searching for information precisely for OBS, but you may be looking for some answers on why you feel so terrible and are always tired. Again, some signs of sleep deprivation maybe: Impaired or shortened memory, loss of temper, irritable, dozing while driving or in a meeting, hitting the snooze repeatedly, lack of energy. Here are some questions to ask yourself or visit about with your doctor:
  • Are you often sleepy during the day
  • Do you snore or have interrupted breathing
  • Do you kick or thrash about in your sleep
  • Do you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep
  • Is there a family history of sleep disorders
  • Do you have an unusual sensation in your legs that keeps you from falling asleep
  • Do you sleepwalk, sleep-eat, act out your dreams (that may harm yourself or others)
  • Do you keep irregular or inconsistent sleep times
  • Is your bedroom environment noisy, bright or uncomfortable
  • Have you felt any of these for more than 3 months

Your "SLEEP" activity is just as critical as your daytime activity. The quality of the time you spend going through the various sleep cycles at night is just as important to your health as eating wisely and making sure you get adequate exercise. Sleep loss, due to any of several sleep disorders, can lead to increased risk for diabetes, high blood pressure, weight gain and effects on you mental health as well.

Work on your Sleep Hygene - Here are a few simple suggestions to help you facilitate a better nights sleep before you have the chance to visit with your doctor.

  • Avoid caffine late in the day - better yet, no caffine after 4pm
  • Moderate your alcohol intake, especally in the evening. Alcohol disrupts the normal sleep cycles
  • Create an inviting environment for sleep - block out all light, shut of radio/tv, have room at comfortable temperature
  • Go to bed at the same time every night - the earlier the better! Shoot for 8-9 hours of sleep per night!
  • Use your bed only for sleep and sex. Do not read or watch TV before bed or at anytime during the day.
  • Keep a consistent waking time. Shoot for 8-9 hours of sleep before waking needs to occur.
  • Keep as closely too the same bedtime and waking hours on the weekends as needed for weekdays. Don't stay up too late just because it is Friday night!

Ask your doctor for a sleep quiz. Here is the quiz I did from the center where I had my sleep study:

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