Sleep Humans need vs Sleep Animals need

Sleep Humans need vs Sleep Animals need
Humans 7-9 hours ---Horse 3 hours ---Cow 4 hours ---Elephant 4 hours ---Giraffe 4.5 hours--- Rabbit 8 hours ---Guinea Pig 9.5 hours--- Baboon 9.5 hours ---Dophin 10 hours ---Dog 10 hours ---Cat 12.5 hours ---Hampster 14 hours ---Sloth 14.4 hours ---Bat 19 hours

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Getting Help for Your Poor Sleep

In order for you to determine is a sleep disorder is cause for concern, you must see your doctor! Your doctor will ask sleep questions and may have you keep a sleep log. You may be asked to log your feelings, fatigue, sleepiness, snoring or if you notice you stop breathing (or your partner notices).There are over 80 distinct sleep disorders! That's why visiting with your doctor and perhaps doing a sleep study is necessary to determine if your poor sleep is due to Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Sleep apnea is the most common sleep disorder with 25% of men and 10% women having it to some degree. Occasional apnea is normal in mature adults. It becomes a health concern when it is repetitive. Sleep apnea can occur in normal weight adults and even children!! OSA -is characterized by repetitive episode of complete (apnea) or partial (hypoapnea) upper airway obstruction during sleep. A few signs are snoring, gasping for breath during sleep, and excess daytime sleepiness. You may wake up often during the night due to snoring, acid reflux, leg/arm jerking, or the need to go to the bathroom. In the morning you may experience dry mouth and headache. ( I suffered terribly from dry mouth and headache. Every single day I woke up with a pounding headache....this doesn't make for a very cheerful morning at the breakfast table!) Above information compiled from "Getting a Good Night's Sleep - A Cleavland Clinic Guide" by Dr. Nancy Foldvary-Schafe, DO

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